Exhibitions after 1917 are not indexed, for current events see the Exhibitions & Museums section.
- Paris Exposition Universelle / World’s Fair (1900) 04.08 | 08.08 | Winter 08-09 | Summer 14 | Spring and Summer 17
- von Dervis Exhibition (1902) see also Imperial Egg Discoveries (11.07, Fall 08, 11.08) | 04.08 (Anniversary Edition) | Winter 08-09 | Spring 11 | Summer 14 | Spring and Summer 17 (von Derviews) | Spring 23
Fabergé (Eggs) see also Fabergé Imperial Egg Chronology | Locations of the 50 Imperial Fabergé Eggs
- Alexander III Commemorative Egg Fall 12 | Summer 14 | Summer 15 | Summer 18
- Alexander III Equestrian Egg Fall 13
- Alexander III Portraits Egg (formerly Twelve Monogram Egg) Winter 14 | Spring 15 | Summer 15 | Summer 18
- Apple Blossom Egg Spring 11 | Summer 11
- Bay Tree Egg see Orange Tree Egg
- Blue Serpent Egg Clock see also Imperial Egg Discoveries (Fall 08, 11.08) | Fall 08 | 11.08 | Winter 08-09 | Spring 09 | Fall 13
- Blue Tsesarevich Constellation Egg 01.08 | Fall 13 | Fall and Winter 17
- Caucasus Egg Summer 15
- Chanticleer Egg see also Imperial Egg Discoveries (10.07)
- Cherub Egg with Chariot see also Imperial Egg Discoveries (11.08) | 04.08 (Anniversary Edition) | Winter 11-12 | Summer 14 | Summer 15 | Summer 18 | Fall and Winter 22 | Summer 23
- Clock Eggs see also Imperial Egg Discoveries (10.07, 12.07, 11.08) | 04.08
- Clover Leaf Egg Summer 18 | Spring and Summer 19
- Colonnade Egg Summer 13
- Coronation Egg Summer 18
- Danish Palaces Egg Winter 08-09 | Fall 11 | Fall 15 | Winter 15
- Diamond Trellis Egg 02.08 | Winter 11-12 | Summer 14 | Spring 15 | Fall 15 | Winter 15 | Summer 18
- Easter Eggs, Cost Winter 14 | Fall 15
- Eggs and Automatons 04.08
- Eggs Surprises Fall and Winter 19
- Eggs Timeline 11.08 | Summer 09 | Fall 12 | Summer 14 | Fall and Winter 19
- Empire Nephrite Egg Summer 14 | Summer 15 | Fall and Winter 17
- First Hen Egg Fall 13 | Fall 15 | Winter 21
- Flower Basket Egg Fall and Winter 19
- Hen Egg with Sapphire Pendant Summer 14 | Summer 15 | Summer 18
- Lost Eggs see also Imperial Egg Discoveries (11.07) | 04.08 (Anniversary Edition) | Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Summer 14 | Summer 15 | Fall and Winter 19
- Mauve Egg with 3 Miniatures Summer 14 | Summer 15 | Summer 18
- Memory of Azov Egg Fall 15
- Missing Surprises Summer 14
- Mosaic Egg Winter 13-14 | Winter 15
- Nécessaire Egg see also Imperial Egg Discoveries (04.08) | 04.08 (Anniversary Edition) | Summer 14 | Summer 15 | Summer 18
- Orange Tree Egg Fall 13 | Spring and Summer 17
- Pansy Egg Spring 20
- Peacock Egg Fall 12 | Fall 13
- Pelican Egg Fall 10 | Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Summer 18
- Peter the Great Egg Fall 13
- Resurrection Egg Fall and Winter 17
- Renaissance Egg Fall 13 | Fall 15 | Spring and Summer 17 | Fall and Winter 17
- Revolving Miniatures Egg Spring and Summer 17 | Spring 18 | Summer 18
- Rose Trellis Egg Spring and Summer 19 | Summer 20 | Winter 21
- Rothschild Egg Clock see also Imperial Egg Discoveries (10.07, 12.07) | Summer 09 | Winter 14
- Royal Danish Egg Fall 10 | Summer 14 | Summer 15
- Sandoz Collection Eggs Fall 09 | Fall 11 | Winter 11-12
- Spring Flowers Eggs Fall and Winter 17
- Standart Egg Winter 14
- Swan Egg Fall 12 | Fall 13 | Spring and Summer 17
- Third Imperial Egg (1887) see also Imperial Egg Discoveries (11.08) | Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Fall 11 | Winter 11-12 | Summer 14 | Winter 14 | Summer 15 | Summer 18 | Spring 23
- Tsevarevich Egg Winter 14
- Twelve Monogram Egg (name changed to Alexander III Portraits Egg) see also Imperial Egg Discoveries (11.08) | 11.08 | Summer 09 | Summer 14
- Yusupov Egg Spring 09 | Winter 11-12 | Spring 15 | Spring and Summer 17
Fabergé (Objects)
- Alexander III 25th Wedding Anniversary Clocks 02.08 | 05.08 | Summer 11 | Winter 14 | Spring 15
- Amorini Spring 11
- Badges Summer 13
- Barometer Summer 18 | Winter 21 | Spring 23
- Bell Pushes Fall 09 | Summer 10 | Summer 14 | Fall and Winter 18 | Fall 21 | Winter 21
- Belt and Coat Clasps Winter 21
- Bismarck Box Winter 10-11 | Spring 11 | Summer 11 (Special Edition)
- Bowls Spring 10
- Boxes (Presentation, Snuff, etc.) Winter 09-10 | Winter 10-11 | Summer 11 | Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Summer 12 | Summer 14 | Summer and Fall 16 | Summer 18 | Fall and Winter 18
- Brooches Summer 10 | Fall 10 | Spring 11 | Fall 11 | Winter 14 | Fall 15 | Spring 18 | Fall 21 | Summer 22
- Buddhas 05.08 | Fall 08 | Summer 11 (Special Edition)
- Bulldogs Fall 09 | Spring 10 | Summer 10 | Fall 11
- Candelabra Fall 11
- Carnets 05.08
- Caskets Spring 12 | Summer 14
- Chairs (Miniature) 02.08
- Chess Sets March 08 | Summer 10
- Cigarette Cases Fall 08 | Spring 09 | Summer 09 | Fall 10 | Fall 11 | Winter 10-11 | Winter 11-12 | Spring 12 | Summer 12 | Summer 13 | Spring 18 | Fall and Winter 19
- Clocks Summer 09 | Winter 09-10 | Spring 10 | Summer 10 | Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Fall 11 | Fall 12 | Spring 15 | Spring 23 | Fall and Winter 23
- Coins Spring 18
- Coronation Box Summer 18
- Cufflinks Spring 10 | Summer 10
- Cups Fall 21 | Spring 23
- Design Sketches Fall and Winter 18
- Ducks Spring 18
- Elephants 04.08 (Anniversary Edition) | 05.08 | Fall 13 | Summer 14 | Winter 15
- Fans with Fabergé Guards Winter 10-11 | Summer 11 | Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Fall 11 | Fall 13 | Spring 14 | Winter 14 | Spring 15 | Fall and Winter 19
- Flatware Spring and Summer 19
- Flowers Summer 10 | Summer 11 | Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Summer 13 | Spring and Summer 19
- Frames Spring 09 | Winter 09-10 | Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Fall 11 | Winter 11-12 | Summer 12 | Fall 12 | Summer 14 | Winter 14 | Spring 15
- Gum Pots Spring 16 (Tenth Anniversary Edition) | Spring 20 | Spring 23
- Handles (Cane, Parasol, Umbrella, Walking Stick) Winter 08-09 | Spring 09 | Summer 09 | Winter 10-11 | Summer 12 | Spring 13
- Hardstone Animals 05.08 | Summer 10 | Fall 10 | Fall 11 | Summer 14
- Hardstone Figures (Folkloristic) Spring 09 | Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Fall 13 | Winter 13-14 | Winter 16 | Fall and Winter 17 | Spring and Summer 19
- Icons 05.08 | Fall 08 | Fall and Winter 18
- Jettons Winter 10-11 | Fall 11 | Summer 12 | Spring 18
- Jewels and Jewelry Fall 10 | Winter 10-11 | Spring 11 | Summer 11 | Winter 11-12 | Spring 12 | Fall 12 | Summer 14 | Winter 14 | Winter 15
- Kovshs Winter 10-11 | Summer 11 | Summer 12 | Winter 13-14 | Spring 15 | Winter 15 | Summer and Fall 16 | Winter 16
- Medals see also Jettons Summer 12
- Molds Summer 22
- Nautilus Shell Cup 04.08 (Anniversary Edition) | 05.08
- Necklaces Fall and Winter 23
- Nobel Objects Winter 09-10 | Summer 11 | Spring 11
- Pendant Eggs Summer 10
- Presentation Cases Summer 22
- Rabbits Spring 23
- Salt Cellars Spring 13 | Summer 13 | Summer 14
- Scent Flasks Winter 11-12
- Seals (Hand) Summer 10 | Summer 11 | Spring 13
- Smoking Accessories Fall 11 | Winter 14 | Spring 16 (Tenth Anniversary Edition) | Winter 16 | Spring and Summer 19
- Table Lighters Spring 16 (Tenth Anniversary Edition)
- Tableware Summer 12 | Spring 13 | Summer 18
- Tankards Spring 11 | Summer 11
- Thermometers Spring 12 | Winter 21 | Spring 23
- Thimbles Winter 08-09
- Tiaras Winter 09-10 | Spring 13 | Fall and Winter 19 | Spring and Summer 21
- Tray Summer 18
- Trophies Summer 15
- Turkeys Summer 10 | Fall 10 | Winter 10-11
- Urn (New York Stock Exchange) Winter 10-11 | Spring 13
- Vases Spring and Summer 21 | Fall 21
- Wine Cooler Fall 13 | Spring 15
- Year of Pig Medals Summer 12
Fabergé (Persons)
- Fabergé, Agathon – Brother (1862-1895) Spring 11
- Fabergé, Agathon – Son (1876-1951) Spring 09 | Fall 10 | Winter 10-11 | Spring 12
- Fabergé, Carl (1846-1920) Summer and Fall 16 | Spring 18 | Spring and Summer 21 | Summer 23
- Fabergé, Nicholas (1884-1939) Spring 09 | Summer 23
- Fabergé, Tatiana (1930-2020) Spring and Summer 21
- Fabergé, Theo (1922-2007) Winter 10-11
- Fabergé, Théodore Carl (1904-1971) Summer 13
Fabergé Memorials
- Calendars Winter 13-14
- Coins Winter 11-12 | Summer 23
- Fabergé Plaster Busts Summer 23
- Plaques Winter 08-09 | Winter 10-11 | Winter 11-12 | Spring 14 | Winter 14 | Summer 23
- Stamps Spring 11 | Summer 11
- Workmasters Summer 23
Fabergé Powerpoints Fall and Winter 19
Fabergé Shops
- Odessa Winter 10-11 | Spring 11 | Summer 18
- St. Petersburg Fall 10
Fabergé Symposiums
- Fabergé Symposiums: A Look Back and into the Future (Christel Ludewig McCanless) Winter 16
- Houston, Texas Winter 12-13 | Winter 16
- Richmond, Virginia Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Fall and Winter 18
- St. Petersburg, Russia Fall 14 | Summer 18
Fauxbergé 02.08 | Fall 08 | Fall 09 | Spring 12 | Summer 12 | Fall and Winter 17 | Spring and Summer 21 | Fall and Winter 23
Fersman Portfolio Fall 10 | Winter 10-11 | Spring 12 | Spring 13 | Winter 15 | Summer and Fall 16 | Spring 18 | Summer 20 | Summer 22
Hammer Catalogs Fall and Winter 19
Insignia of Russia Court Ladies (not Fabergé) Summer 15
Ivory Trade Law Summer 22
Nuptial Crown (not Fabergé) Fall 10 | Summer and Fall 16
Object Identification Tools
- Denisov-Uralski Workshop Fall 10 | Winter 10-11
- Molds Summer 22
- Monograms Winter 11-12 | Spring 12
- Workmasters and Marks 01.08 | 02.08 | Winter 08-09 | Spring 09 | Summer 09 | Spring 11 | Summer 11 | Winter 11-12 | Spring 12
- A La Vieille Russie à Paris: Fabergé et la Russie Impériale au carrefour des cultures Winter 10-11
- A Touch of Gold: The Reminiscences of Geoffrey Munn Summer 23
- Agathon Fabergé in Red Petrograd (Rupasov, Alexandr I., Skurlov, Valentin V., Fabergé, Tatiana F., and Stanislav K. Bernev) Spring 12
- Antiques Market of St. Petersburg (Tolmatsky, Vladislav, Skurlov, Valentin, and Alexander N. Ivanov) Spring 09
- Artistic Luxury: Fabergé, Tiffany, Lalique (Harrison, Stephen, Emanuel Ducamp, and Jeannine Falino) Fall 08
- Attribution of Two Dreher Ducks and a Fabergé Goose (Rose Tozer) Spring 18
- Beyond Fabergé: Imperial Russian Jewelry (Betteley, Marie, and David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye) Winter 21 | Summer 22
- Białowieża Carska Rezydencja (Chestnykh, Svetlana Iurevna and Karen Kettering) Fall 09
- Carl Fabergé: A Private Collection (Wartski, London) Summer 12
- Carl Fabergé and His Successors: Hardstone Figures – Russian Types (Skurlov, Valentin, Fabergé, Tatiana, and Victor Ilyukhin) Spring 09
- Carl Fabergé and Masters of Stone Carving. Russian Gems (Tatiana Muntian, et al.) Summer 11
- Coronation of Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna: Fabergé Brooches Created for Two Empresses (Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova) Spring 18
- Crimea and Fabergé (Tatiana Fabergé, Valentin Skurlov, et al.) Summer and Fall 16
- Das Osterei – Liebespfand und Kunstobjekt (Liechtensteinisches Landesmuseum) Summer 11
- Diamond Fund Guide (Irina Borodychyova, and Irina Polynina) Winter 14
- Diamond Treasures of Russia (Irina Polynina) Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Winter 14
- Empress Maria Feodorovna’s Favorite Residences in Russia and in Denmark (Korneva, Galina and Tatiana Cheboksarova)
Spring 09 | Summer 10 - Fabergé: A Comprehensive Reference Book (Fabergé, Tatiana F., Kohler, Eric-Alain, and Valentin V. Skurlov) Summer 12
- Fabergé and the Russian Crafts Tradition (Margaret Kelly Trombly) Spring 18 | Summer 22
- Fabergé and the Russian Master Goldsmiths (Gerard Hill, et al.) Fall 08
- Fabergé Animals: A Royal Farm in Miniature (Caroline de Guitaut) Fall 10
- Fabergé at Harrods: A Loan Exhibition Summer 14
- Fabergé Connection: A Memoir of the Bowe Family (Wendy Bonus) Fall 10
- Fabergé Easter Gifts (Tatiana Muntain) Spring and Summer 19 | Fall and Winter 19
- Fabergé Eggs: The Extraordinary Story of the Masterpieces that Outlived an Empire (Toby Faber)
04.08 | Fall 08 | Spring 09 | Winter 09-10 | Winter 10-11 - Fabergé: From St. Petersburg to Sandringham (Ian Collins) Spring 18
- Fabergé from the Museum Collections of Russia (Tatiana Muntian) Fall and Winter 19
- Fabergé – Geschenke for Zarenfamilie (Museum Schloss Fasanerie) Winter 16
- Fabergé: gioielliere degli ultimi zar (Fabergé: Jeweler of the Last Tsars) Fall 12
- Fabergé: His Masters and Artisans, 2018 (Tillander-Godenhielm, Ulla.) Fall and Winter 18
- Fabergé in London: The British Branch of the Imperial Russian Goldsmith (Kieran McCarthy) Winter 16
- Fabergé Items of Late XIX – Early XX Century in the Collection of the State Museum of Pavlovsk (Guzanov, A. and R. R.Gafifulin) Winter 13-14 | Summer 14
- Fabergé ja hänen suomalaiset mestarinsa – Fabergé and His Finnish Workmasters – (Ulla Tillander-Godenhielm)
08.08 | Winter 08-09 | Spring 11 (Revised Edition with New Title) | Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Winter 11-12 - Fabergé Masterpieces from “The Link of Times” Collection (Tatiana Muntian) Summer 09 | Winter 14 | Summer and Fall 16 | Spring and Summer 19
- Fabergé Museum in St. Petersburg Exhibit Index 2014 Winter 14 | Summer and Fall 16
- Fabergé Museum St. Petersburg (Cultural-Historical Foundation The Link of Times) Winter 14 | Winter 15
- Fabergé: Precious Jewellery of the Russian Empire (Tatiana Muntian) Spring and Summer 19
- Fabergé Rediscovered, 2018 (Zeisler, Wilfried, et al.) Fall and Winter 18
- Fabergé Revealed (Géza von Habsburg, et al.) Spring 11 | Summer 11 (Special Edition)
- Fabergé Revealed: The Collection of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Palace Museum, Beijing, China) Winter 16
- Fabergé: Romance to Revolution (McCarthy, Kieran and Hanne Faurby) Winter 21
- Fabergé: The Hodges Family Collection (John Keefe, et al.) Summer 09 | Fall 12
- Fabergé: The McFerrin Collection – The Opulence Continues (McFerrin Foundation) Winter 16
- Fabergé, The Twilight Years: Drawings and Objects from the Second Henrik Wigström Album Summer 23
- Fabergé: Treasures of Imperial Russia – Fabergé Museum, St. Petersburg Spring 18
- Fabergé – Tsar’s Court Jeweler and His Association to the Danish Royal Family (Kolding Museum) Summer and Fall 16
- Fabergé Vases Galore – In Search of Historic Truth (James Hurtt) Spring and Summer 21
- Fabulous Fabergé: Jeweller to the Czars and Fabuleux Fabergé: Joailler des Tsars (Montreal Museum of Fine Arts) Winter 14
- Franz Birbaum, Fabergé’s Chief Designer (Valentin Skurlov, Tatiana Fabergé, et al.) Summer and Fall 16
- From a Snowflake to an Iceberg: The McFerrin Collection Fall 13
- Hidden Treasures of the Romanovs: Saving the Royal Jewels (William Clarke) Summer 09 | Fall 09
- How Did He Dream that Up? (Natalia Solomadina) Spring and Summer 19
- In Search of Historic Truth – Hermitage Museum Exhibition Spring and Summer 21
- Japonisme: From Falize to Fabergé, The Goldsmith and Japan (Katherine Purcell) Summer 11
- Jewel Album of Tsar Nicholas II and A Collection of Private Photographs of the Russian Imperial Family (Alexander von Solodkoff)
Spring 15 | Spring and Summer 19 | Fall and Winter 19 - Jewels of the Romanovs: Family & Court (Stefano Papi) Fall 10
- Katalog vedushchikh iuvelirnykh firm XIX-XX: Firma K. Faberzhe, Works by Leading Jewellery Firms of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries: C. Fabergé (Muntian, Tatiana N.) Winter 21
- Last Flowering of Court Art: A Russian Private Collection of Fabergé (Wartski, London) Winter 09-10
- Letters from St. Petersburg: A Siamese Prince at the Court of the Last Tsar (Translation and Commentary by Narisa Chakrabongse) Spring 18
- Mikhail Perkhin – Jeweler Fabergé (Valentin Skurlov) Winter 11-12
- Olga’s Sketchbook: World War I Sketchbook of the Czar’s Sister (Arthur J. Collingsworth, ed.) Spring 09
- Royal Fabergé (Carolinde de Guitaut) Summer 11 (Special Edition) | Fall 11
- Russia and Europe. Dynastic Ties. Second Half of the 19th through the Beginning of the 20th Centuries (Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova) Fall 12 | Spring 13
- Russia, Royalty & the Romanovs (de Guitaut, Caroline, and Stephen Patterson) Spring and Summer 19
- Russian Silver in America: Surviving the Melting Pot (Anne Odom) Spring 11
- Spala: An Imperial Palace (Chestnykh Svetlana, Kettering Karen, and Michał Słoniewski) Fall 11
- St. Petersburg 1993-2003: The Dynamic Decade (St. Petersburg Conservancy) Spring 10
- Treasures into Tractors: The Selling of Russia’s Cultural Heritage, 1918-1938 (Anne Odom & Wendy Salmond) Winter 08-09 | Summer 09
- Unknown Fabergé: New Finds and Re-Discoveries (Mark Moehrke, Editor) Winter 16
- V poiskakh arkhiva Faberzhe (In Search of the Fabergé’s Archive) (In Russian. Valentin Skurlov, et al.) Spring 18
- Vasilii Zuev: pridvornyi miniatiurist, khudozhnik firmy Faberzhe (Vasilii Zuev: Court Painter of Miniatures, Artists in the Fabergé Firm) (In Russion. Valentin Skurlov, et al.) Spring 18
- Wartski – The First One Hundred and Fifty Years (Geoffrey Munn) Spring 15
- Welt von Fabergé (The World of Fabergé) Essays by Elisabeth Heresch and Tatyana Muntian Summer 14
Research Contributions
- 1887 Third Imperial Easter Egg – Details Confirmed in an Archival Letter (Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova) Winter 14
- 1887, 1895 and 1896 Fabergé Imperial Easter Eggs (Géza von Habsburg) Fall 12
- 1888 Borki Train Accident Commemorated with Fabergé Triptych Icons and Medallions (Roy Tomlin) Spring 22
- 1890 Faberge Danish Palaces Egg – The Miniatures Explained (Annemiek Wintraecken and Christian Steener Ericksen) Winter 08-09
- 1896 Alexander III Portraits Egg – Missing Surprise Identified in Photographs (Anna and Vincent Palmade) Winter 14
- 1897 Mauve Egg Surprise (Annemiek Wintraecken) Summer 14
- 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle and the 1892 Diamond Trellis Egg (Annemiek Wintraecken) Summer 14
- 1902 Clover Leaf Egg Surprise Identified? A Team Effort (Annemiek Wintraecken and Juan F. Déniz) Spring and Summer 19
- 1904 Egg: Repetition, Imitation, and Provenance Review (DeeAnn Hoff and Christel Ludewig McCanless) Spring and Summer 21
- About the 1885 Fabergé Hen Egg: A Prototype Review (Géza von Habsburg) Winter 21
- Alix and Pollie – A Lifelong Friendship (Pat Hazlett) Winter 14
- Anniversary Gifts in the Danish Royal Collection (Roy Tomlin) Spring 15
- Are the “Coronation” Snuff Box and the Coronation Egg a Matched Pair? (Christel Ludewig McCanless) Summer 18
- Attribution of Two Dreher Ducks and a Fabergé Goose (Rose Tozer) Spring 18
- Auctions Spring 2013 Review (Jim Hurtt and Christel Ludewig McCanless) Summer 13
- Baron Freederiksz. Impeccable Service as Officer in Russian Empire for 50 Years! (Tatiana Cheboksarova and Galina Korneva) Spring 16 (Tenth Anniversary Edition)
- Battered Fabergé Survivors from the 1902 von Dervis Exhibition (Anna and Vincent Palmade, Dmitry Krivoshey) Spring 23
- Big Surprise: Blue Serpent Egg (Christel Ludewig McCanless) see Eggs
- Blue Serpent Egg Redating – Reader’s Responses Winter 08-09
- Celebrating the Romanov Tercentenary with Fabergé Imperial Presentation Pieces: A Review (Roy Tomlin) Fall 12
- Celebrating the Tercentenary of the Romanovs in St. Petersburg (Daniel Brièré) Spring 13
- Changing World of Fabergé Auctions and the Ivory Trade Law (Timothy Adams) Spring 22
- Changing World of Fabergé Auctions, Part II (Christel Ludewig McCanless) Spring 23
- Closer Look at the 1901 Queen Wilhelmina Nephrite Tray Last Seen in 1980 (Erik Schoonhoven) Spring 18
- Coins in Fabergé Objects: Types and Their Production Techniques (Dmitry Krivoshey and Elena Yarovaya) Spring 18
- Colonnade Egg: A Possible Source Is Proposed (Geoffrey Munn) Summer 13
- Coronation of Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna: Fabergé Brooches Created for Two Empresses (Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova) Spring 18
- Cost of Easter Eggs, 1900-1915 Winter 14
- Cutting the Cord: An Exploration of Fabergé’s Mechanical Bell Pushes (James Hurtt) Fall and Winter 18
- Diamond Bow Brooches Attributed to Fabergé Surfaced in the Last Ten Years – What Are Their Stories? (Timothy Adams, James Hurtt, Christel Ludewig McCanless,and Riana Benko) Fall 21
- Digital Colorization of Imperial Photographs: A Case Study of Time-Line Inconsistencies (Hoff, DeeAnn) Spring 2020
- Discoveries from the Collection of Grand Duke George Mikhailovich (Mark Moehrke) Spring 16 (Tenth Anniversary Edition)
- Discovering Historical Connections – Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich (Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova) Fall 09
- Discovering the World of Fabergé Furniture (McCanless, Christel Ludewig and Riana Benko) Spring 2020
- Egg with Revolving Miniatures in the Pratt Collection, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts: The Puzzle Completed (Summary by Christel Ludewig McCanless) Spring and Summer 17
- Egg with Revolving Miniatures and Two Recently Discovered Letters by Carl Fabergé (Nicola Baster, Barry Shifman, and Courtney Tkacz) Spring 18
- Every Acquisition Has a Story (Steve Kirsch) Spring 16 (Tenth Anniversary Edition)
- Fabergé and Roullet et Decamps Walking Peacocks: More Than Just a Coincidence? (Juan F. Déniz) Fall 12
- Fabergé Barometer Imperial Provenance Discovered (James Hurtt and Christel Ludewig McCanless) Summer 18
- Fabergé Brick Table Match Holders/Strikers (Christel Ludewig McCanless and Riana Benko) Spring and Summer 19
- Fabergé Cigarette Cases Reveal New Information Fall and Winter 19
- Fabergé Cossack Figures Created from Russian Gemstones (Timothy Adams and Christel Ludewig McCanless) Winter 16
- Fabergé Cufflinks (Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova) Spring 10 | Summer 10
- Fabergé Design Sketches and What They Teach Us (Timothy Adams) Fall and Winter 18 | Fall and Winter 19
- Fabergé Desk Clock Research (Compiled By Christel Ludewig McCanless) Fall and Winter 23
- Fabergé Diamond Brooch Representing a Rose with Leaves in the 1925 Fersman Portfolio Summer 22
- Recreated Fabergé Diamond Brooch Based on the 1925 Fersman Portfolio (Katrina Warne)
- Comparing the 1925 Fersman Portfolio and the 2022 Gilbert Reprint Edition (Rose Tozer)
- Chronology of the Fabergé Diamond Brooch from 1922-2022 (Christel Ludewig McCanless)
- Fabergé Easter Eggs for 1912, 1914, and 1915 Winter 14
- Fabergé Egg Mysteries: A Literative Search (Christel Ludwig McCanless) Fall and Winter 17
- Fabergé Eggs as an Investment: A Statistical Analysis (Christel Ludewig McCanless) Spring and Summer 17
- Fabergé Eggs Lost, Found and Revisited (Compiled by Christel Ludewig McCanless and Will Lowes) Summer 15
- Fabergé Eggs Revisited, Part 2 (Compiled by Will Lowes and Christel Ludewig McCanless) Fall 15
- Fabergé Elephant Bell Pushes with Russian Imperial Provenance (James Hurtt) Summer 10
- Fabergé Fact-checking Avoids Historical Inaccuracies – Reader’s Help Appreciated! Spring 23
- Fabergé Fan Treasure Hunt (Christel Ludewig McCanless) Fall and Winter 19
- Fabergé Flatware Monogram Identification Puzzle (Christel Ludewig McCanless and James Hurtt) Spring and Summer 19
- Fabergé Imperial Easter Eggs: New Discoveries Revise Timeline (Annemiek Wintraecken) see also Eggs | November 08 | Winter 08-09 | Summer 09 | Fall 12 | Summer 14
- Fabergé Imperial Gifts: Official and Private (Timothy Adams) Fall and Winter 19
- Fabergé Imperial Presentation Boxes Winter 10-11
- Fabergé in the Court of Siam (Christel Ludewig McCanless and Annemiek Wintraecken) Winter 13-14 | Fall and Winter 19
- Fabergé Jetton Puzzle (Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova) Winter 10-11
- Fabergé Learning Tools: PowerPoint Presentations Fall and Winter 19
- Fabergé Memorials Unveiled (1996-2022) (Valentin Skurlov, Horst Becker, and Ulla Tillander-Godenhielm) Summer 23
- Fabergé Presentation Cases Summer 22
- Searching for Missing Treasures (Alice Milica Ilich)
- Fabergé Presentation Cases Tell Their Stories 120 Years Later (James Hurtt)
- A Unique Genre: Fabergé Imperial Presentation Cases (Ulla Tillander-Godenhielm)
- Fabergé References in the Gemological Institute of America Library (Rose Tozer) Fall and Winter 19
- Fabergé: Reflections of Kievan Rus (DeeAnn Hoff) Summer and Fall 16
- Fabergé Research Tools in a Digital World: Archival Resources, Auction Records (1934 to the Present), Books and Journals, and Searching for Fabergé Eggs (Christel Ludewig McCanless) Fall and Winter 23
- Fabergé Silver Table Lighters with a Personality (Riana Benko) Spring 16 (Tenth Anniversary Edition)
- Fabergé Smoking Accessories: Materials and Techniques of an Art Form in the McFerrin Collection (Christel McCanless and Timothy Adams) Presentation and Handout Winter 16
- Fabergé Symposium Summaries, St. Petersburg, 2016 (Riana Benko) Winter 16 | Spring and Summer 19
- Fabergé Symposiums: A Look Back and into the Future (Christel Ludewig McCanless) Winter 16
- Fabergé Tiaras and the Unveiling of an Acquisition (Christel Ludewig McCanless and Kristin Mills) Fall and Winter 19
- Fabergé Thimbles (Magdalena and William Isbister) Winter 08-09
- Fabergé Trophies in the Olympic Museum, Lausanne, Switzerland Summer 15
- Fabergé Turkeys Winter 10-11
- Fabergé under Our Noses! (Kristin Mills) Fall and Winter 19
- Fabergé Wedding Commissions Spring 15
- Fabergé’s Icons (Wendy Salmond) Fall and Winter 18
- Fabergé’s Imperial Eggs – Their Inspirations and Prototypes Fall 13
- Fabergé’s Monumental Kovshes with Bogatyr Themes (Cynthia Sparke and DeeAnn Hoff) Winter 15 | Summer and Fall 16 | Winter 16
- Fabergé’s Records Found – Last Years of His Life (Simon Giannini and Horst Becker) Summer and Fall 16
- Fabergé’s Use of Molds and Pre-cast Decorative Applications (Timothy Adams) Summer 22
- Fan with Fabergé Montures by Christel McCanless Fall 11
- Fauxbergé in Museums: A Review (Christel Ludewig McCanless) Fall and Winter 17
- Fauxbergé in the McFerrin Collection Fall and Winter 17
- Fersman Portfolio and Nuptial Crown Review (Compiled by Fabergé Research Newsletter Readers) Summer and Fall 16
- Fersman Portfolio – Fabergé Jewels – Nuptial Crown (Christel Ludewig McCanless and Annemiek Wintraecken) Fall 10 | Winter 10-11
- Fersman Portfolio – Fabergé Jewels Reviewed (Annemiek Wintraecken and Christel McCanless) Spring 12
- Finnish Workmasters (Ulla Tillander-Godenhielm) Summer 09
- Folkloristic Hardstone Figures of Questionable Character (Timothy Adams and Christel Ludewig McCanless) Fall and Winter 17
- For Whom the Bell Rings – A Tale of Two Bell Pushes (Ahmed El-Minawi) Fall 21
- Forgery Highlights in Print Fall and Winter 17
- Found! Princess Nina’s Tercentenary Gift (Roy Tomlin) Summer 15
- Fresh Look at Fabergé-Mounted Glass Vases in the McFerrin Collection (Timothy Adams and Christel Ludewig McCanless) Fall 21
- From Bogatyrs to Boyars (DeeAnn Hoff) Winter 16
- Gems and Minerals in the McFerrin Collection: A Glossary (Christel McCanless, Annemiek Wintraecken, and Tim Adams) Winter 12-13 | Fall and Winter 19
- Gems and Minerals in the McFerrin Collection: A Study (Christel McCanless, Annemiek Wintraecken, and Tim Adams) Winter 12-13 | Fall and Winter 19
- Hammer Galleries Catalog Treasure Hunt (Ahmed El-Minawi, James Hurtt, Riana Benko, and Christel Ludewig McCanless) Fall and Winter 19
- Heart-shaped Fabergé Frame with an Enigmatic Monogram (DeeAnn Hoff) Fall 12
- Highlights from the Recently Discovered 1924 Goznak List of Fabergé Imperial Eggs (Andrey Bogdanov, Dmitry Krivoshey, Valentin Skurlov, Anna and Vincent Palmade) Summer 23
- How to Clean Your Treasured Fabergé Object (Mark Schaffer) Fall 21
- Identifying Materials Used by Fabergé (Tim Adams and Carol Aiken) Spring 15
- Imperial Yacht Standart Jetton (Christel McCanless) Summer 12
- In Memory of Konstantin Krijitski (1859-1911) – His 100th Anniversary (Tatiana Cheboksarova and Galina Korneva) Fall 11 | Winter 11-12
- ‘Inscribed Fabergé’ Kamer Kazaks at Auction (Christel Ludewig McCanless and Riana Benko) Fall and Winter 17
- Insignia of Russia Court Ladies (Ulla Tillander-Godenhielm and Timothy F. Boettger) Summer 15 | Spring 16 (Tenth Anniversary Edition)
- Is it Really Fabergé (Will Lowes) Fall and Winter 17
- Jewel Album of Tsar Nicholas II: Research Updated Fall and Winter 19
- Legacy of the Finnish Workmasters of Fabergé (Ulla Tillander-Godenhielm) Fall and Winter 19
- Lillian Thomas Pratt Archive Digitized (Courtney Tkacz) Summer and Fall 16
- Lost Surprises of the 1895 Fabergé Rosebud Egg Have Been Identified (Chad Solon) Winter 21
- Maid of Honor Ciphers – A Look Behind the Scenes (Christel McCanless) Spring 16 (Tenth Anniversary Edition)
- Maryhill Museum of Art, Goldendale, Washington (DeeAnn Hoff and Kristin Mills) Fall and Winter 17
- Master’s Mark AT Variations in the World of St. Petersburg’s Goldsmiths: Solving an Old Puzzle (Ulla Tillander-Godenhielm) Fall and Winter 20
- MINNI’s Desk Clock – A Private Gift from a Public Person (Kristin Mills) Spring 15
- Missing Nécessaire Egg (Kieran McCarthy) 04.08 (Anniversary Edition)
- Mistaken Identity Resolved! (Christel Ludewig McCanless and Timothy Adams) Fall and Winter 19
- Monogrammed Beauty: Queen Marie’s Brooch (DeeAnn Hoff) Fall 15
- Moscow Fabergé Workshop Interpretations of the Epic Poem Ruslan and Ludmila by Aleksandr Pushkin (1799-1837) (Cynthia Coleman Sparke) Fall 15
- New Fabergé Mark (Kieran McCarthy) Fall and Winter 19
- New Livadia Palace Jettons (Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova) Summer 12
- Pearls of Great Price: Fabergé Imperial Necklaces Presented in 1894 to the Future Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia (Timothy Adams, Riana Benko, and Christel Ludewig McCanless) Fall and Winter 23
- Personal Messages on the Zehngraf Miniatures: 1896 Egg with Revolving Miniatures (DeeAnn Hoff) Spring and Summer 17
- Photograph Identification of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna Summer 10
- Preservation Techniques for Fabergé Objects and More: Experts Answer Your Questions Fall 21
- Preserving Library and Archival Treasures (Rose Tozer) Fall 21
- Rediscovery of the [Blue] Serpent Egg Clock (Geoffrey Munn) see Eggs | November 08
- Remembering a Special Exhibition – Fabergé: The Imperial Eggs, October 22, 1989 – January 7, 1990 (Annemiek Wintraecken) Spring and Summer 19
- ‘Re-purposed’ en suite Fabergé Objects from the 1902 von Dervis Exhibition (Anna and Vincent Palmade, and Dmitry Krivoshey) Winter 21
- Research Instructions: Interested in Publishing Your Fabergé Research? (Ben Swindle and Christel Ludewig McCanless) Summer 23
- Review of the McFerrin Exhibition (Christel McCanless) Winter 09-10
- Revisiting the Miniatures in the 1893 Caucasus Egg (Annemiek Wintraecken) Summer 15
- Rothschild Fabergé Egg: Archival Information (Kieran McCarthy); Comparative Details of the Rothschild and Chanticleer Eggs
(Annemiek Wintraecken) see Eggs - Saga of a Fabergé Belt Clasp Converted into a ‘Re-purposed’ Bell Push (James Hurtt) Winter 21
- Searching for “Genuine” Fabergé Fall and Winter 17
- Silver Wedding Anniversary Gifts for Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna and Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich – Where Are the Fabergé Objects Now? (Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova) Summer 15
- Spotlight on the Bismarck Imperial Presentation Box (Christel McCanless and Annemiek Wintraecken) Spring 11
- Statistical Cost Analysis of Fabergé’s 50 Imperial Easter Eggs (Riana Benko) Fall 15
- Story of a 1907 Jetton and the Imperial Yacht Standart (Frida Packalén) Fall 11
- Study of Fabergé’s Hawthorn Sprigs (Christel Ludewig McCanless) Spring and Summer 19
- Two Identical Carl Fabergé Plaster Busts by Josef Limburg (1874-1955) Are a Matched Pair! (Horst Becker) Summer 23
- Two Lost Fabergé Imperial Eggs Discovered in an Archival Photograph: 1888 Cherub with Chariot and 1889 Nécessaire Eggs
(Anna and Vincent Palmade) see Eggs - Third Imperial Easter Egg by Fabergé Found! A Research Chronology (Compiled by Christel Ludewig McCanless) Summer 14
- Tiara Reasearch Spring and Summer 21
- Part 1 Unresolved Provenances (Christel Ludewig McCanless)
- Part 2 An Illusory Imperial Tiara and Maria Feodorovna’s Jewel Box (DeeAnn Hoff)
- Part 3 Readers Forum Questions about the Tiara (Christel Ludewig McCanless and Newsletter Contributors)
- Up Close and Personal with an Imperial Clock (Nick Nicholson) Spring 15
- Väkevä Family of Silversmiths and Their Marks (Ulla Tillander-Godenhielm) Summer 11
- Variations on a Theme (Tim Richman Gadoffre) Summer 12 | Fall 12
- Variations on a Theme
- Fabergé’s Sunburst Enameled Cigarette Cases (Timothy Adams, et al) Summer 20
- Wooden Fabergé Cigarette Cases with Coins (James Hurtt) Summer 20
- Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Unveils State of the Art Installation (Courtney Tkacz) Winter 16
- Visions of Byzantium: Fabergé Byzantine-style Cups (Timothy Adams) Fall 21
- Will the Real Fabergé Stand! A Dealer’s Perspective (Peter Schaffer) Fall 09
- Windows into Russian Life: Fabergé Hardstone Figures (Tim Adams, Christel McCanless, Annemiek Wintraecken) Winter 16 | Fall and Winter 19
- Wonder of Fabergé: A Study of the McFerrin Collection (Presented at the 2016 Houston Symposium) Winter 16 | Fall and Winter 19
- World of Fabergé in St. Petersburg 100 Years Ago (Third International Fabergé Symposium) Fall 14 | Fall and Winter 19
- Year of the Pig Medals (Annemiek Wintraecken and Christel McCanless) Summer 12